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Harry’s presence means circus: Prince William will see him just ‘one more time’

Reports claiming that Prince William will not invite Prince Harry to his coronation are accurate, his friends confirmed this with the American media outlet The Daily Beast. They also added that the next time William expects to see his brother in the flesh again will be at the funeral of King Charles.
William’s friend told the publication that things are totally frozen between the two of them. “It is hard to overstate how utterly William feels betrayed and hurt on a very personal level. The two brothers were so close growing up that they would finish each other’s sentences.”
Amid all the trauma of their mother dying and their dad being quite distant, the friend said, the closeness of the brothers was an amazing thing to witness.
Talking about Harry’s book, which the prince has said was written to “explain why he left” the Royal Family, the friend said they don’t believe that the primary motivation of the book was that noble.
However, they added, “Reading Harry’s book, I was really struck by how honest he was about the depth and the importance of his relationship with William when they were younger.”
“It makes his decision to basically sell out his entire family, but particularly William, for a bumper payday even more inexplicable,” the friend told The Daily Beast.
On reports that Harry would not be invited to William’s coronation, the tried said it was 100 per cent true.
“Why would William and Kate want all the distraction and circus that his presence would bring? I suspect that William will see Harry one more time in his life in the flesh—at their father’s funeral.”
The Daily Beast also quoted a former Buckingham Palace staffer as saying that the planning for William’s coronation is well underway, and as they understand, there are no plans to invite Harry.
“It’s hardly surprising when you look at how poisoned the well has become.”
